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  • Writer's pictureYas


Painting how I see the world, resolving who I am as a viewer and how that ultimately affects where I am going. I'd like the paintings to speak to people, to evoke emotions, to communicate thoughts that I can't quite express, to communicate the emotions so many of us can't quite put words to. The ambiguous problems, perhaps to connect to those that feel alone, the minority, or maybe not, the mystery, maybe there'll be clarity from it. If I really think about it, there’s a part inside of me that is unknown, I am excited but also scared to open the box, the heart. Even that is in a misty grey cloud. which is how I imagine my paintings. The shadows, the greys, the motion but blurry motion. The search to resurface the coulour, add the source of light, a sense of stability, familiarity, balance.

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